Posted by David E. Ross on 02/18/06 19:58
Steve Kostecke wrote:
> Hello. I'm wondering, say I have a centered bit of content (and center
> of screen, so probably 100% width for that div), like so
> <div align="center" style="width: 100%">
> Some content that's centered
> </div>
> How exactly does one add something aligned to the right but in the same
> "row" or "line" if you will (the right align content is not under the
> centered, but to the right of it, with the centered content still being
> in center, and not pushed over or anything.
> So it would come out something like this:
> | Centered Content Right Aligned |
> (And the right aligned needs to stay to always hug the right side, so
> when the screen is resized its still the same amount of space from the
> right, and the centered is still center of the screen.)
> I know I might not be doing it all right so far, so any pointers an help
> would be greatly appreciated.
> (Also, what if I wanted to also throw in a left side section, that acts
> like the right side, but for the left instead, would that require
> anything special compared to how ever its done for the right side
> section?)
Do you mean you want to create a right sidebar as in my home page? (See
the URL in my signature below.)
David E. Ross
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