Posted by rcamarda on 09/15/05 19:06
I am trying to do a text replacement to reflect changes where I've
stored data.
A field, backup_archive_filename, contains the url path. I've since
changed the directory structure and wish to change whats stored in the
I want to change SQLSafe to SQLSafe\Diff or SQLSafe\Full depending when
there is either %Diff% or %Full% in the string to reflect the change in
the directory.
I wanted to do something like:
update backups_sets
SET backup_archive_filename = <<get first part>>+ 'SQLsafe\Diff' +<<get
last part>> where backup_archive_filename like '%_Diff_%'
I need a function for <<get first part>> like EXTRACTSTR(
backup_archive_filename, '\',3) would return '\\\SQLSafe'. I
cant find a built in function that can pick apart fields based on a
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