Posted by Robert Klemme on 09/16/05 15:21
Simon Hayes wrote:
> One possiblility is to change the PK to nonclustered and the index on
> [Date] to clustered. If you often do range/grouping queries based on
> [Date] then that should be useful, but it might also impact queries
> using TroubleshootId, so you need to test any change with a number of
> representative queries.
A covering index might be an option, too, especially if there are several
queries with multiple criteria.
One question to the OP: why do you have Date and Time both as timestamp
columns? Other remarkable things: all char columns seem to be unicode
(nvarchar) and have length (255). You might save space by changing to
varchar (if possible) and / or reducing the length. Also, this doesn't
really look like a normalized schema. I would at least expect having ids
for EnteredBy and probably some others.
> Other general advice would be to review the query plan in QA (Ctrl+K),
> run UPDATE STATISTICS on the table, and also try tracing a typical
> workload and running it through the Index Tuning Wizard to see what it
> can recommend.
> If you need more specific comments, you should post the query plan
> (using SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT), and it might also be useful to know how
> many rows are returned by the query.
Plus complete index DDL.
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