Posted by Eugene Anthony on 11/05/05 17:57
I done this:
SELECT c.Name, s.Name, t.TaxPerPlace, t.ParentTaxPerPlaceID, MoreRecords
= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #TempItems TI WHERE TI.TaxPerPlaceID >=
@LastRecord) FROM #TempItems t JOIN Countries c ON c.CountryID =
t.CountryID JOIN States s ON s.StateID = t.StateId WHERE TaxPerPlaceID >
@FirstRecord AND TaxPerPlaceID < @LastRecord ORDER BY t.TaxPerPlaceId
but a problem I encounter is
CountryID = 0
StateID = 0
when I dont select a countryID and StateID. 0 is not found in the
Countries and States table. This would mean c.Name ="N/A" and s.Name =
"N/A" if its value is 0. How is it done in my case.
Eugene Anthony
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