Posted by Dave Owen on 12/08/05 21:33
Just in case: In Books on Line for SQL 2000, look for the article 'CAST and
CONVERT' to decode the mysterious 120 value Jens suggested.
"Jens" <Jens@sqlserver2005.de> wrote in message
> Due the the unprecision of the datetime column, which is only in a 3 ms
> precision range (dependend on the way SQl Server evaluates the time
> based on ticks) a row could not be fetch which
> is apparently equals to your given expression, so converting it to the
> same format (with chopping the ms) would evaluate the right rows:
> CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),ColumnName,120) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),'10/12/2004
> 7:28:02 AM' ,120)
> HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.
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