Posted by Jason Barnett on 04/28/05 16:54
Vedanta Barooah wrote:
> btw! saying:
> add($a=null,$b=null,$c=null)
> is as good as saying:
> add($a,$b,$c)
No, it's not. Because in this case $a, $b and $c are all uninitialized
variables and (if this is a function definition) then you *have* to
supply $a $b and $c parameters.
Even if you were just calling add() this wouldn't be wise. Consider the
possibility that your server uses register_globals. In that case I can
browse to:
Not to mention the code injection possibilities.
> thanks,
> vedanta
> On 4/28/05, Vedanta Barooah <vedanta.barooah@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Well that was simple, but this is what i am trying to solve:
>>if you refer to the php documentation for ldap_open() function it says:
>>resource ldap_search ( resource link_identifier, string base_dn,
>>string filter [, array attributes [, int attrsonly [, int sizelimit [,
>>int timelimit [, int deref]]]]])
>>if you look at the 4th and the 6th arguments to the function
>>attributes is an array while sizelimit is an int, i want to pass the
>>sixth element without passing the 4th and the 5th ... how do i do
>>i tried these options:
>># this does not work,
$rs = ldap_search($con, "o=vodoo.com", "(objectClass*)", null, null, 500);
>># this wont works :((
>>$rs=ldap_search($con,"o=vodoo.com","(objectClass*)",' ',0,500);
>># this also goofs!
>>here that 5th arg works if i pass a zero as ... 0 means the default behaviour!!
>>any ideas ... clues ?
>>Vedanta Barooah
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