Posted by Matthew Weier O'Phinney on 04/28/05 18:10
* Dan <>:
> I taught myself PHP before the frenzy over register_globals.
> After a reasonable break from the language, I'm back for more.
> I'm building a site where I'll be holding a lot of variables in memory
> for each session. How do I do that? Apparently I can't use
> session_register() if register_globals is turned off. I've read a little
> about the consequences of writing bad scripts with register_globals on
> ... I'm fine with this explanation. I agree that I don't want people
> injecting variables into my session. What I want is for ME to be able to
> set variables and remember them throughout the session. How do I do that?
Use of session_register() is deprecated in favor of direct access to the
$_SESSION array -- which is present if session_start() has been called:
$_SESSION['foo'] = 'bar'; // retrieve a session variable
$bar = $_SESSION['bar']; // set a session variable
Matthew Weier O'Phinney | WEBSITES:
Webmaster and IT Specialist |
National Gardening Association |
802-863-5251 x156 | |
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