Posted by <dphillip79 on 11/18/59 11:37
I have just started using MSSQL and the DOS environment at work. I have
a lot of experience with Sybase and the UNIX environment, but this is a
whole new ball of wax.
I'd like to use osql from a batch file to log into the dataserver and
run a fairly long list of SQL and then exit. I don't want to have a bunch
of SQL files sitting around that I have to use the -i option to run, and
I'd rather not create temporary SQL files like this.
echo "exec sp_who2" >tmp.sql
echo "select * from....... " >>tmp.sql
osql -E -S <DATASERVER> -n -w999 -i tmp.sql
del tmp.sql
I can't use the -Q option, of course because as I said, I'll be writing
quite a few lines of SQL, and it won't all fit on the one line, or at least
it wouldn't be pretty if I did.
In UNIX, I can simply execute the following from either the command line
or in
a script.
select * from .....
EOF --EOF is the isql session terminator exits me back to the command line.
This behavior does not appear to work with OSQL. There is a -O option
which help mentions, and that talks about disabling the EOF terminator for
batch processing, but I wasn't able to find any usage or examples on the net
where someone is using EOF to terminate their OSQL SQL batch.
This is what help listed.
[-O use Old ISQL behavior disables the following]
<EOF> batch processing
Auto console width scaling
Wide messages
default errorlevel is -1 vs 1
Any help you could offer would be appreciated. Thanks.
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