Posted by Tony Rogerson on 01/20/06 18:02
I think you've covered the one biggy - make sure your existing data will
a) Make sure anything you join with are the same type, basically make
sure you change it everywhere including your foreign keys table.
b) Remember to do the stored procedures, udfs, triggers that may use them
as parameter.
c) You'll need to drop any constraints on your column definied with the
identity property, see example problem...
drop table t
create table t (
mycol bigint identity primary key,
t char(1) )
insert t ( t) values( 'a' )
alter table t alter column mycol int not null
Tony Rogerson
SQL Server MVP
http://sqlserverfaq.com - free video tutorials
<mamorgan1@gmail.com> wrote in message
> We made a poor decision a long time ago when designing our database
> structure. We used bigint data types as the identity keys for many of
> our base tables. For many reasons I would like to change these fields
> to int at the largest. The largest data in these fields is around
> 200,000. I know that int can easily store this.
> What should I be worried about when changing these fields from bigint
> to int? If anything. Your help is appreciated. I did several
> searches without much luck.
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