Posted by Bethany Holliday on 01/24/06 20:14
Hi All,
I have been working with SQL Server for some time - but until now
haven't tried to implement a trigger and am not sure if this is an
appropriate use. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I have this table: almis.dbo.aadata_x
when almis.dbo.aadata_x is updated, I want to automatically be able to
update a table in another database using this sql (only pulling
specifics from this table - not everything):
insert into dbname.dbo.tablename
select stfips as statefips, right(area, 3) as countyfips, periodyear,
race, gender, cenoccgrp, population, laborforce, emplab, unemp,
unemprate, pctpop, pctlabforce, pctemplab, pctunemp, pcttotlabforce,
pcttotemplab, pcttotunemp from aadata_x
where areatype = 04 and periodyear = 2000
and stfips = 18
I apologize in advance if this is too basic of a question -- but this is
something I need to be able to do in many cases .. on update of table1
.. update certain fields in another table - perhaps in the same
database, perhaps not.
Again - thanks for any input you might be able to give me.
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