Posted by Chris White on 04/30/05 10:34
Iztok Polanic wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm building a site with multiple iframes. Because every iframe has to
> get some information from SESSION variables, I'm now and then getting
> access denied warnings. How to fix this? I know that one solution is to
> store variables in a database but I'm not so keen on doing this. warnig
> message and the code for template are listed below!
> Error below:
> ---
> Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]:
> open(c:\php\sessions\sess_h6r9hhs9ttae7devjejhud7vv3, O_RDWR) failed:
> Permission denied (13) in C:\Documents and Settings\Iztok\My
> Documents\My Website\bla\globals_var.php on line 6
Looks like your user may not have permissions to access the file? (ie.
no read and write access?). This is windows we're talking about, so I
can only half speculate on this.
> globals_var.php
> ---
> <?
> /* Buffer */
> ob_start();
> /* SESSION */
> session_start();
> ?>
> Globals_var.php is included in every file (template).
> Bye,
> Iztok
Chris White
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