Posted by Richard Lynch on 05/02/05 04:15
On Sun, May 1, 2005 1:46 pm, Murray @ PlanetThoughtful said:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Richard Lynch [mailto:ceo@l-i-e.com]
>> Sent: Monday, 2 May 2005 6:16 AM
>> To: Murray @ PlanetThoughtful
>> Cc: php-general@lists.php.net
>> Subject: RE: [PHP] Problem with array
>> On Sun, May 1, 2005 1:08 pm, Murray @ PlanetThoughtful said:
>> > Color me confused. I removed "global $arrtree;" and added "$arrtree =
>> > array();" to the function buildProjectTree() and now the parent
>> function
>> > (listProjectChildren) returns no values at all.
>> >
>> > I've checked the page from which listProjectChildren() is being
>> called,
>> > and
>> > $arrtree does not appear as a variable in it at all, so it seems
>> "global
>> > $arrtree;" was doing SOMETHING, but at this point I have no idea what.
>> >
>> > Still trying to work this out, if anyone else has any suggestions?
>> I'm not real clear on what you are trying to do in the first place, but
>> if
>> taking out the global messed up, put it back :-)
>> Maybe add another global $arrtree in the other function so *BOTH*
>> functions are using the same $arrtree?
> (Laugh) It's probably because I'm not explaining myself well... Let me try
> to outline pseudo recordsets for the 2 tables:
> Tbl_content:
> Contid, parid
> 1,
> 2,1
> 3,1
> 4,
> 5,4
> 6,1
> 7,5
> 8,2
> 9,7
> Tbl_content_messages:
> Msgid, contid
> 1,2
> 2,2
> 3,4
> 4,5
> 5,5
> 6,5
> 7,6
> 8,6
> 9,8
> 10,9
> 11,9
> Okay, so what I'm trying to do is display a summary count of all of the
> messages in tbl_content_messages for each project in tbl_content (in this
> case the 2 records with contid of 1 and 4, as they have no parid value).
Okay, I'm lost.
You're tossing around words like project, but you've got a field contid
and parid, and I read this three times and I don't know which is which.
What's a cont?
What's a par?
I assume Msg is short for message.
Type them out. Your fingers may hurt today, but your brain will thank you
tomorrow. :-)
> The only way I could think to do this was to create a query that did a
> SELECT COUNT(*) from tbl_content_messages using the IN operator with a
> list
> of all of the contid values associated with each project.
I think you maybe want LEFT OUTER JOIN to keep the projects with 0 messages.
Like Music?
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