Posted by George Pitcher on 05/02/05 14:17
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'm using PEAR::DB and Smarty, Server is
WinNT running Apache 2.0.52, and PHP 5.0.2. MySQL 4.0.5-beta-max-nt is
running on a separate server (NT also). All this is about 70 miles away and
I haven't seen the servers for over 3 years (oh how wonderful remote access
> -----Original Message-----
> From: George Pitcher [mailto:george.pitcher@ingenta.com]
> Sent: 2 May 2005 12:07 pm
> To: php-general@lists.php.net
> Subject: [PHP] Strange problem with DB queries
> Hi,
> I am encountering a strange problem with a pop-up window. On my
> site, users
> (very specialised, closed site with small numbers) have to click a link on
> page x which pops up page y. Page x and y both contain pricing information
> based on a functions.php include file. On page x, the data is being
> displayed correctly. On page y, most of the data is not being displayed.
> On page y, I've echoed the queries and they work fine when I
> paste them into
> MySQLCC. However, if I do print_r($row), I get an ampty array. Echoing the
> $result gives me Object id #3 (on page x this is Object id #6).
> I have another popup window which is used to build xml output etc and the
> queries (some using the same functions) seem to wortk there.
> Any suggestions?
> George
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