Posted by Joseph S. on 09/20/05 20:26
thanks for the reply.
badr wrote:
> hi ,Joseph S.
> first you have to be sure where is the php.ini actually the good way to
> make it avilable for your system is to
> 1- put your php.ini file in the C:\php directory
already there
> 2- right click on my Computer ->properties->Advanced Tab Environment
> Variable , Under system variable chooes Path and double click to see
> the editable area. At the Varaible value add this (;C:\php) (don't
> forget the semicolon at the begining ) ->OK-> OK -> restart your
> computer
> 3- delete php.ini file if it reside in the Windows directory.
Good idea, doing that straight away.
> 4- if you are using binary version of PHP 5 you will find (ext)
> directory under your C:\php directory
> so you may need to open your php.ini file and make theis line like this
> extensions_dir = "C:\php\ext"
> and for this reason you was getting this err (cannot load
> c:\php\php_curl.dll ) and other extension
I had extensions_dir="C:\php" and all the extensions were present in
c:\php, I had copied them into the c:\php directory as per instructions
in the help.
After changing the setting to c:\php\ext also, it is not stopping the
funny. The php.ini is now only in c:\php on my computer.
> now to debug PHP i can advise you to download this IDE Packge
> http://www.waterproof.fr/
downloading it soon
> database access through odbc works ????? what is this ?
typing mistake - I wnated to post a question but got answered before i
posted- this remianed
> about the point # 8
> actually i didn't know any method for running PHP as BOTH CGI AND
> module in the same time but the setting for the CGI ADD these three
> line at the end of httpd.conf
Yes, I agree that it is probably not possible to use PHP simultaneously
in both modes. My reason for doing that was that I thought that
debugging requires apd in pear, which needs PHP installed as a CGI
binary. Now that I have found three separate good debuggers - gubed,
dbg from dmitri dmitrienko, and PHPEdit, I do not need apd at the
moment. SO I am continuing with PHP as an Apache module
btw, I got "configuration error" when i tried doing both
Joseph S.
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