Posted by Joseph S. on 09/21/05 21:46
> Your questions:
> > 1)I get startup error messages:
> > "Unable to load dynamic library c:\php\php_curl.dll - the specified
> > file cannot be found"
> > although the file is very much there at exactly that location
> > Not only for this file but for many extension files like php_mysql.dll,
> > php_oracle.dll, php_mssql.dll, php_exif.dll etc.
> > 2)the extensions_dir setting is "c:\php" without an ending backslash.
> Try changing the extension_dir to "c:\\php" or "c:/php"
I uninstalled Apache from c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2 and
at c:\Apache2 and the messages have mysteriously diasppeared! No
changes to php.ini!!
> > 3)The php.ini file is residing at c:\php
> There is a presidence in searching for the ini file. You might want to
> get rid of one of them just incase of conflicts.
I did that. Removed php.ini from c:\windows.
> > 5)There is a extension entry for php_win32api.dll which also gives a
> > not found error.
> > Is it the older version of php_win32std.dll, php_win32service.dll and
> > php_win32scheduler.dll files which are present but
> > their names are not there by default in the php.ini ?
> That is sometimes the case, you have to put them in yourself if you want
> those extensions to load.
As expected. PHP changes a lot from one version to the next.
> > **************************************************************************************************
> > 6)How do I debug PHP like you can debug Java in Eclipse or NetBeans and
> > C/C++ in MS Visual Studio - with breakpoints and stepping?
> > **************************************************************************************************
> Find a PHP IDE, also you can debug PHP in Eclipse... Look for plugins.
> http://www.php-editors.com
Thanks a million. I am used to Eclipse but had no clue that there is a
PHP plugin!
> > 8)How do I install PHP as both a CGI extension under Apache 2.0.5x and
> > as a module (php5apache2.dll with a LoadModule in httpd.conf) - Apd
> > which is a part of PEAR requires that php be installed as a CGI binary
> > - is apd good for interactive debugging?
> You can only install it as one or the other.. Not both.
I had expected this but couldn't find any concrete words.
> A suggestion on many of these issues is to read the php manual at
> php.net. There is a ton of information asking many of these same
> questions.
Thanks again, I was relying on the compiled help manual supplied with
the package.
I saw the php faq at http://php.net/FAQ.php which has user comments as
well solving many common faced problems and some good advice.
Joseph S.
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