Posted by Gordon Burditt on 09/22/05 01:04
>I am using the following code (many thanks for the code folks BTW) to
>generate 3 schedules in three tables one is a schedule with 7 day
>intervals and two are daily schedules.
>The two daily schedules seem to have out of sync dates at the start of
>each schedule. The dates look as if they may be dates from the
>preceding loop.
... date=dateadd(now(), INTERVAL LAST_INSERT_ID() DAY) ...
This is absolutely wierd. Shouldn't that be INTERVAL 7 DAY?
After you have a lot of people sign up, LAST_INSERT_ID() is going
to be a couple hundred or thousand, and certainly isn't what you
want. I also note that you never seem to use $i within the loops.
Perhaps that's what you want instead of LAST_INSERT_ID()?
You also never set $sched.
>I am presuming that I need to reset something after the completion of
>each loop but I am not sure what.
>Many thanks
>$now = time();
>$day = $now + 7*24*60*60;
>$cutoff = strtotime("+$months months");
>while ($day <= $cutoff) {
> $date = date('Y-m-d', $day);
> $insert = "INSERT INTO daily_data SET subscr_id='$subscr_id',
> mysql_query($insert);
> $day = $day + 7*24*60*60;
>//then create a daily schedule in the excercise table
> mysql_query("INSERT INTO exercise_data SET subscr_id='$subscr_id',
>//then create a daily schedule in the food and diet table
>mysql_query("INSERT INTO food_data SET subscr_id='$subscr_id',
Gordon L. Burditt
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