Posted by Mark Rees on 11/16/13 11:28
> root/index.html
> root/php/hitcounter.php
> root/php/hits.wordpad
> root/php/browser.php
> root/includetest.php
> hitcounter.php:
> <?php
> require_once('browser.php');
> $br = new Browser;
> $filename = 'hits.wordpad';
> ?>
> includetest.php:
> <?php
> $path = './php/';
> set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);
> include ('hitcounter.php');
> ?>
> If I open my browser and directly go to
> http://.../root/php/hitcounter.php everything works fine. The file
> gets appended with my IP and browser information as it should. If I go
> to http://.../root/includetest.php I get an error output "The file
> hits.wordpad is not writable". This is odd because that particular
> error message only appears in hitcounter.php ... so I know that that
> code is executing. But yet, that code never has a problem executing
> when I visit the php file directly.
The problem here is most likely the path to the file. Let's say the file you
want to write to is in
If you are trying to write to this file from a file in /root/ then the path
is simply temp/file.txt.
However, if you are in /root/php/, the path is ../temp/file.txt
To get around this problem, take a look at
as well as dirname and a few other related functions
> Lastly, assuming someone can get this solved for me, my next question
> is about including the hitcounter in an html document. I was thinking
> the following would work:
> <?php
> include 'php/hitcounter.php'
> ?>
> However, when I tried this with a similar script, it appears to do
> nothing and I can view the page source of my html file and see the php
> code (shouldn't the server replace that block before sending the html
> file out?)
IIS or Apache?
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