Posted by news on 10/06/05 17:42
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> news@celticbear.com wrote:
> > What do you think? Or is there a better way that I'm just not thinking
> > of?
> > Thanks for any feedback!
> > Liam
> >
> Liam,
> First of all, it depends on the database you're using. For instance -
> if you use MySQL, connecting to a remote server is quite simple - and
> you basically treat it as it were a local database.
> The image files are a little harder. Three ways I can think of to
> access them:
OK, so on the remote server I added a user and identified it with the
local server, and successfully connected to the remote from the local
in shell just fine!
Way cool.
But my concern, is in the PHP script, run on the local server, when it
sends the connect line, is it interceptible? Like a POP or FTP
connection? Could someone possibly get that username/password from the
establishment of the connection?
(That is assuming the file itself is safe on the server from someone
accessing it.)
As for the image files, they all rest on the local server, so if the
PHP script which runs the ImageMagick commands and the file
manaipulation stuff is also on the local server, it's all good. This
ability for the local server to access the remote mySQL server directly
solves all my problems!!
Just so long as it's secure.
Thanks for the reply!!
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