Posted by R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah on 10/06/05 20:56
Jonathan wrote:
> element seems to be dynamically generated, I can't figure out what I
> ought to do to prevent it from producing this kind of error.
> Here's the error code:
> Error Line 71 column 153: document type does not allow element "input"
> here; missing one of "p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "div",
> "pre", "address", "fieldset", "ins", "del" start-tag.
> ...="fa4a5c7b4eab7d80abb333272ea9d308" /><table
> style="width:100%;"><tr><td cols
Also, you may turn off
<http://in2.php.net/session#ini.session.use-trans-sid> so that it won't
rewrite URLs
<?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!com Blog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/
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