Posted by Ryan Faricy on 05/05/05 11:44
"Jon M." <dsak8330225@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>I just found a place here:
> http://us2.php.net/manual/en/language.oop.php
> That has this example:
> /* This is how it should be done. */
> class Cart {
> var $todays_date;
> var $name;
> var $owner;
> var $items = array("VCR", "TV");
> function Cart() {
> $this->todays_date = date("Y-m-d");
> $this->name = $GLOBALS['firstname'];
> /* etc. . . */
> }
> }
> It appears that they are declaring vars like this:
> var $todays_date;
> Is this something you can only do inside a class???
Yes, as has been said within this thread several times.
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