Posted by Berimor on 10/27/92 11:32
You should calibrate both monitors - for web it's enough slightly
calibration - but for printing you need properly calibrated monitors.
Sure, the most realistic colours are on CRT monitor - good calibratable
TFTs costs about $1500 - $2000 ($6000!!!!). Also there are a lot of
calibration hardware, and each hardware manufacturer provide his tool with
special software. Sure those tools costs a lot - but you wont be able to
calibrate TFT anyway (sure if your TFT is LaCIE monitor with personal
calibrator there will be no problems).
To make slightly calibration i know only one thing that could help -
Adobe Gamma - but as far as i now it only comes with Adobe Photoshop.
So think you need to read some good articles about calibration.
On Mon, 21 Nov 2005 15:01:28 +0200, Shella <shella@robotflow.net> wrote:
> Hi, i build web pages and i use an LCD monitor.
> I noticed that when i choose a color this is different between LCD e
> CTR old monitors...
> what i have to do to be sure that the color is the one i want?
> And which is the right color.. the one i see in the LCD or the one i
> see in the CRT?
> Thank very much.
> Shella
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