Posted by Erwin Moller on 10/30/85 11:33
Sean wrote:
> ls -l > will print out the directory list with permissions, owner group
> and size etc....
> chmod 777 folder_name > this will allow the folder to be written to
> chown owner:group folder_name > this will change the owner and group of
> the folder name
I would not advocate chmod 777 on any directory you want to keep for
It opens the directory for read/write for everybody with access to the same
In a shared hosting environment this is not very safe..
It may be better to have a little chit-chat with your provider and ask him
for a solution with an extra group that contains the original user and
www-data (or whatever apache is running as).
Then change to 774 <dirname>
or even
Erwin Moller
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