Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/02/06 17:55
zeltus wrote:
> Ahh, I found a reference at phpkitchen... it seems I have to use <? or
> mebee <?php to get php -a into interactive mode, and then use Ctrl-Z to
> force execution whenever I need it.
> Dunno why I need this tho' - what "mode" is it in if it isn't
> implicitly <?php... ????
> Bill
That's because php reads a file. If you give it a file name, it uses
that file. If not, it reads the file from stdin (the command line).
In the latter case, Ctrl-Z indicates the end of the file, so PHP can
then process the entire file.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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