Posted by Oli Filth on 10/13/94 11:36
StevePBurgess@gmail.com said the following on 04/01/2006 15:00:
> session_start();
> session_register('sname','slevel','semail','stime','sadminlevel');
> $sname = *real name of user*
> $slevel = *their membership level*
> $semail = *their email address*
> $sadminlevel = *there administration level*
> $stime = *the time they logged in*
First of all, don't do that. Since PHP 4.2, use of session_register() is
not recommended. Use $_SESSION["whatever"] instead. See
> Is there a way of
> 1) recognising that cookies are disabled
> 2) if they are, implementing a different way of maintaining sessions?
Yes, you can use a GET variable in all the URLs. PHP can do this
automatically - see
However, passing session IDs this way has a lot of issues associated
with it (security, bookmarking, search-engine problems, etc.).
IMHO, I would use only cookies. If a user has cookies disabled
irrationaly (IMO, again), they should just have to live with sites not
working correctly. HTTP is a statless protocol, and complex modern sites
usually require state information to provide useful functionality, and
cookies are the best mechanism to provide that information.
<insert flame here>
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