Posted by ralphie on 01/25/06 11:59
thanks chung, i'm really happy to find a mate fighting the same
you suggest using normal varchar or text fields. how to store utf-8 in
them? well i know if i insert it through php it works and it turns out
in some wired characters (at least displayed like that in the
enterprise manager). the nice thing is if i fetch it again via php it
comes back as arabic text. that so far is cool. the problem arises if i
want to import data via the enterprise manager, this one would convert
the arabic signs to ?? only. if i want to copy past the data into it,
it does not accept it at all in normal fields but displays it correctly
in the n-types.. the ohter thing i wonder about is the sorting and
stuff.. if the data are stored in this wired (sorry don't know the name
for what that is, just some symbols) format i wonder about the
collation (sorting, etc) stuff? would it still work fine?
any further advise is greatly appreciated!
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