Posted by Barry on 01/25/06 15:41
Erwin Moller wrote:
> Barry wrote:
>>Erwin Moller wrote:
>>>Barry wrote:
>>>>Hi all
>>>>I have this script(download.php) which downloads binary data from a
>>>>mysql database.
>>>>/* SNIP */
>>>>if (is_object($doc)){
>>>So if $doc is an object you die?
>>>Is that what you want?
>>>I would expect:
>>>if (is_object($doc)){
>>> echo "\doc is not an object!";
>>> exit;
>>>Erwin Moller
>>Yes I want it to die.
>>The function returns an error object if it fails.
>>This means that an error has occured and then I just die.
>>If the function returns an array, its found the data.
>>This all works for files less than 64k.
>>Its only with larger files that the download stops at 64k.
>>This is weird bahavior, I think it might be some config on the server.
> Hmm, ok.
> Strange.
> Are you sure your document-singleton is actually delivering the right stuff?
> I mean: the problem could arise earlier than at the moment of delivery.
> And 64K sounds very suspect.
> I would check that part first, just spit out :
> echo htmlentities($doc['content']);
> Well, that is all I can think of.
> Good luck.
> Regards,
> Erwin Moller
thanks for the help.
yes, I get the correct data.
when I dump the array all is there.
also, docs and images below 64k work fine.
strange one this.
>>>>header("Content-type: $doc[type]");
>>>>header("Content-length: $doc[size]");
>>>>header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$doc[name]");
>>>>This is called from another page in the
>>>><a href="download.php?id=4">CLick here to download</a>
>>>>The problem I am experiencing is that the download stop on 64k and then
>>>>the files are obviously corrupted.
>>>>I have checked that I do have the correct size in the db and I am giving
>>>>the correct size in the Content-length header.
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