Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/30/06 12:33
Noel wrote:
> Ok this really comes down to interface desgin and usability. On a mac
> you can click on a indervidual bar (in a bar graph) and in two steps
> get the dialog allowing you to chose what ever color you want, either
> the entering rgb values etc, or by the various sliders or by chossing a
> predifined colour from the colour pallete (which you can add to!). On
> windows, the pallete is not extendable and one is only able to modify
> the colours via the steps Jonathan stated, which if you have a lot
> changes to make is a right pain in the ass. So in summary, the
> interface to gain access to the tools to change your colour is
> painfully hidden on windows and visible and easy to access on a mac.
> Ok 'unlimited' is a bit of an overstatement, what I really ment was:
> what ever colour your heart desires.
> Cheers
> Noel
> PS. Jonathan thanks for the tip.
And it's something I haven't changed since I installed W2K. Just set it
for True Color and forget it.
This is a PHP newsgroup - not a mac advocacy group. Please take your
bias elsewhere.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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