Posted by Bandit on 11/17/13 11:39
Hi Jerry..
Thanks for that. I later discovered that on another website but I
also found a VBA macro that I was able to plug into excel to do the
same way. Mind you, the method you described sounds easier.
One query though. What happens if you already had some password data
in there in the first place. Does it get encrypted (.Sorry.. Hashed)
again thus making the original hash totally whacked out?
On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 16:53:20 -0500, Jerry Stuckle
<jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
>Declan Barry wrote:
>> Hi all..
>> Does anyone have a php script that would allow me to encrypt the
>> contents of a txt file?
>> I have an excel file which has a list of usernames and generated
>> passwords. What I would like to do is copy out the plaintext
>> passwords to a txt file and then do a conversion to encrypt the
>> passwords using MD5 encryption as they will then be imported into a
>> MySQL database.
>> Is that possible?
>> I can do them one at a time using a small php script but I've approx
>> 100+ to do.
>> Regards
>> Declan Barry
>I wouldn't even write code for it. Just export the data to CSV, import
>it into MySQL and do it from there.
>For instance, if your excel file has
> userid password
>Create three columns in your table - uid, temppw and pw. Export the
>Excel file as CSV format and load it into the table. Then simply update
>the table, setting pw to MD5(temppw).
>The just drop the temppw column.
>No programming required.
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