You are here: Re: date() gives me yesterday's date and not today's - why? « PHP Programming Language « IT news, forums, messages
Re: date() gives me yesterday's date and not today's - why?

Posted by comp.lang.php on 02/12/06 23:01

You're going to keep up this pointless diatribe until you prove what?
That I got it to work and not by your means.

Please stop replying to this as I've completely moved on.


PS: I've top-posted! HA!

Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> comp.lang.php wrote:
> > Gary L. Burnore wrote:
> >
> >>On 11 Feb 2006 15:30:02 -0800, "comp.lang.php"
> >><> top posted like an ignorant moron and
> >>wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>That's why they invented technical specs..
> >>
> >>That makes very little sense.
> >
> >
> > I'm suddenly not surprised. Bottom line, it works, and that's that.
> > And this thread is turning into an expose on ADD-related
> > peacock-strutting over <? vs <?php when in the end it all works and the
> > customer doesn't even CARE if it's <? or <?php. A bad programmer can
> > use either one and still screw up a site and the customer fire him for
> > it not working, <?, <?php or otherwise.
> >
> > You guys have got to learn how to view things from the non-clued
> > customer side of life. The people who ultimately keep YOU employed.
> >
> > Phil
> >
> Phil,
> No, that's the point - it DOESN'T WORK!
> It may work on your server. But there are thousands of hosts out there
> which have short tags disabled - and your code won't run there.
> I do look at it from the non-clued customers side of life. He can
> migrate my site to another hosting service and it will still run.
> And the customer WILL CARE.
> You've got to learn how to program for more than just one isolated
> environment. The world is not like that.
> BTW - I agree with Gary. This is one of the things I look at when
> hiring a sub - and if I see it, that person is immediately removed from
> any possible consideration.
> --
> ==================
> Remove the "x" from my email address
> Jerry Stuckle
> JDS Computer Training Corp.
> ==================



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