Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/18/92 11:40
TonyB wrote:
> It's looking better................
> Copying libmysql.dll to apache2/bin eliminated the "Unable to load
> dynamic library
> 'C:/core/web/php512/ext/php_mysql.dll'" message from the Apache
> log...... Now, during a restart of Apache, the log (below) is clean of
> startup error messages. (The error in the last line of the log is
> coming from the application). The server now appears to be locating
> functions in php_mysql.dll.
> [Mon Feb 20 08:25:40 2006] [notice] Child 684: Child process is exiting
> [Mon Feb 20 08:25:40 2006] [notice] Parent: Child process exited
> successfully.
> [Mon Feb 20 08:25:45 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.55 (Win32) PHP/5.1.2
> configured -- resuming normal operations
> [Mon Feb 20 08:25:45 2006] [notice] Server built: Oct 9 2005 19:16:56
> [Mon Feb 20 08:25:45 2006] [notice] Parent: Created child process 4316
> [Mon Feb 20 08:25:45 2006] [notice] Child 4316: Child process is
> running
> [Mon Feb 20 08:25:45 2006] [notice] Child 4316: Acquired the start
> mutex.
> [Mon Feb 20 08:25:45 2006] [notice] Child 4316: Starting 250 worker
> threads.
> [Mon Feb 20 08:25:53 2006] [error] [client] PHP Warning:
> mysql_connect() [<a
> href='function.mysql-connect'>function.mysql-connect</a>]: Unknown
> MySQL server host 'mysql' (11001) in
> C:\\core\\web\\Apache2\\htdocs\\app1\\helloMySQL.php on line 34
> I don't understand why this is now working when the folder containing
> libmysql.dll was on the path (see the echo output below); but it's
> working so that's good... From a DOS window, echoing the path results
> in the output below; the folder ..\php512 appears to be on the path
> and this is where libmysql.dll was (and is) sitting..
> C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator>echo %PATH%
> C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;c:\Python22;\C:\WINDOWS\
> core\web\php512;;C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MUVEET~1\030625;C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MUVEE
> T~1\030625
> So, for my PC, one additional step (step 4) is added to the connector
> setup procedure:.
> 1. In php.ini, enable php_mysql.dll by uncommenting
> "extension=php_mysql.dll".
> 2. In php.ini, set "extension_dir" to the folder containing
> php_mysql.dll which on my PC is C:/core/web/php512/ext/
> 3. Windows system PATH. Add ";\%SystemRoot%\core\web\php512" which
> places libmysql.dll on the PATH.
> 4. Copy php_mysql.dll to ../Apache2/bin.
> Thanks for your suggestion.
> The next step is to figure out why "mysql" is the wrong name for the
> mysql instance on my pc... The php page is bombing here:
> $link = mysql_connect('mysql', 'root', '<password>')
> or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
> According to the server information section of MySQL Administrator, the
> network name of the MySQL server is localhost.... lets see if changing
> mysql to localhost has an effect.....
> -Tony
Probably because the first parameter to mysql_connect() is a server
name, and 'mysql' is not a valid server name.
If you're connecting to the local machine you should use 'localhost'
(and 'localhost' should be in your hosts file). Alternatively, this can
be an ip address - for the localhost.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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