Posted by steve on 09/29/28 11:30
| Hi Ian-
| Sorry, I can translate from PHP to ASP but since I don't currently have a
| box to test on there's not much I can do to help you. Ask in a PHP forum
how to
| save a recordset to the response object.
| ---
| Stefan Berglund
hey stefan! it's good to see you're still alive and posting vb goodies.
btw, the op not only posted to a php ng but also to every computer related
ng i can think of. ;^)
anyway...from an architectural standpoint when working cross-platform, i'd
recommend using web services to make the data consumable...be it from a
php/asp script, gui app, or a proc run on a cron. at that point, each has
enough information to get/publish/consume the data in a manner appropriate
to its given environment (including language)...and without a bunch of
system-specific caveats along the way.
of course i do have other suggestions...but a direct translation is not one
i'm going to afford now.
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