Posted by www.douglassdavis.com on 09/17/05 14:48
raf wrote:
> www.douglassdavis.com wrote:
> > All three of the following classes give "compile-time" errors. It
> > hinders me from doing what I want to do... And it seems there is no way
> > around it. But, are each of these cases examples of how the language
> > should behave? Are any of the examples a case of PHP being
> > "incorrect?"
> I don't know PHP, but I believe these are bugs in your code:
> > class MyClass
> > {
> > static $x = 2;
> > static $y = self::$x; // error
> > }
> there is no instantiation of the class--there is no "self" object.
> Did you mean "static $y = $x"?
self:: isn't $this-> self:: just refers to the current class, just
like putting the class name there. In PHP, you always have to prefix a
class variable with something, even if you are writing code in that
> > class MyClass2
> > {
> > var $x = 2;
> > static $y = $x; // error
> > }
> In this case, since no object was created, there is no $x to assign into
> $y.
yes... this one doesn't make sense.
> > class MyClass3
> > {
> > const a = array(1,2); // error
> > }
> I defer this to someone who knows PHP, but if its semantics are
> comparable to Java and C#, does "array(1,2)" actually create an instance
> of an array? Based on the pattern of the errors above, I'd suggest you
> review the concepts of object instantiation and class/instance member
> variables.
yes array creates an instance of array.
to the PHP folks out there:
My delima is this... let's say you wanted to do something like this in
a class, and you needed all 3 of these vars to be defined.
class MyClass4
var $one = array(1,2);
var $two = array(3,4);
var $three= array($one, $two); // a two dimensional array.
// ... more code below
But you knew that these would always remain the same, and there was no
need for putting them in every class. Meaning, if they are not static,
it's just a waste of space.
Also, there are no static initializer blocks like java.
Is there a correct way to define this in the class this without wasting
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