Posted by J.O. Aho on 11/04/05 09:55
Kilo Bravo wrote:
> Warning: error_log(/usr/local/apache/websites/errors.log): failed to open stream: Permission denied
> What is this error trying to tell me? It is coming from a simple file with just one line in it:
> error_log ("test", 3, "mypath/to/error.log");
the file /usr/local/apache/websites/errors.log isn't read/write-ble for php
(the user the web server is run as), take a look at the file with
ls -l /usr/local/apache/websites/errors.log
User and group should be apache (if you have apache as the user running the
apache server, it's a bit different depending on linux distro and how outdated
version you are using). Even if the file is okey, the directories to the
location has to be readable for the web server. To change ownership of a file
use chown, for change privileges use chmod, if you don't know how to use them,
then run:
man chown
man chmod
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