Posted by Oli Filth on 11/29/05 15:42
rich wrote:
> I have a simply array containing direcotry names like this
> $myarray = array("folder1","folder2", "folder3", "folder4");
> below I have a foreach action
> foreach ($myarray as $value) {
> include($value . "/index.php");
> }
> now, inside every 'index.php' is the following
> $color = "red";
> $size = "small";
> include("../template.html");
> Ideally I want this to open in a new window but I'm not sure if it's even
> possible to do such a thing with the format that I have already? I can't go
> and edit the index.phps in each directory cause there are over 1000.
If every folder/index.php is exactly the same, except the {$color,
$size} definitions, this is a massive waste of disk space, and an arse
to maintain, as you've just found.
Why not define the $colors and $sizes in a database or a flat-file,
then use the base PHP script to perform the templating?
e.g. with MySQL:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT folderID, color, size FROM table");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
// do template processing here,
// using $row["folderID"], $row["color"], and $row["size"]
A similar effect could be achieved with a CSV file.
That way, you can do different template processing depending on
whatever settings you desire, and it's all done from one script.
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