Posted by Lee Howard on 05/16/05 23:55
I'm a contract worker - mostly I do system administration and consulting,
but I also do a lot of system development and programming. Sometimes I
have too much work to do as it can be more than me and my associates can
comfortably handle.
On regular occassion I have some PHP (web application, generally)
development work come my way that I would like to outsource (subcontract).
If you are interested in regular-to-occassional PHP (involving MySQL
database backends and Javascript in-browser niceties) development work and
are capable of working via e-mail, working with a deadline, can either
track time-used or can quote on a per-project basis, and can handle a
variety of different projects each requiring anywhere from 5 to 20 hours of
work, then please contact me off-list, preferrably with a resume.
Lee Howard
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