Posted by jukka on 01/07/06 14:48
Oujdeivß wrote:
> I'm "gluing" stuff together :)
> jukka wrote:
>> Oujdeivß wrote:
>>> part1 stays active while part2 is called, after part2 finished, part1
>>> needs to act upon the results, and I need to keep the data collected
>>> in part1 intact.
>>> I'm thinking that sessions are a solution.
>>> I'm still reading, but thank you for helping.
>> Ummm, why do you need to go to a separate page? Why can't you obtain
>> the result in part1? (Or if you wanna do it in part2, you could
>> include() part2 in part1)
>> But I guess if you want to do it your way, what you should probably do
>> is encode the values to the url and then forward to part2, and in part
>> to encode the result to the url and the forward back to part1. Dunno
>> how to encode them though, sorry. Someone else will hopefully help you
>> with that :)
Whatever you want. But just header("Location:
http://www.site.com/part2.php?var1=stuff&var2=morestuff"); in part1.
Then in part2 you header("Location:
(Forget that urlencode thing, I was hallucinating)
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