Posted by Rich on 02/14/06 19:56
In article <45edetF6a43eU1@individual.net>, J.O. Aho says...
>MS wrote:
>>> When checking the php.net site there were a few examples of background
>> processes
>>> using exec() that may work out okay. I think some of these writing all
>> output to
>>> /dev/null and setting it as a background process with "&".
>>> exec('php /path/to/thumb.php > /dev/null 2>&1 &');
>>> Similar to your suggestion, but it looked like shell_exec may be expecting
>>> results to store in a variable.
>> I will give this a go, but could you point me in the direction of where I
>> can learn what the parameters are in this function.
>> the http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/function.exec.php page does not let me know
>> what the parameters are or could be. etc..
>$lastlinefromfunction = exec('limited by the console
>In *nix world the console command returns either 0 or 1 (there are exemptions
>where an error value is returned), depending if the function did execute
>properly or not. $returnvaluefromconsolecommand
>the exec() returns the last line from the command executed.
>the $array_ofwholeoutput is the complete output from the command, first line
>is $array_ofwholeoutput[0], next line is $array_ofwholeoutput[1] and so on.
>This is quite well documented at the
>What you put in between the single/double quotes depends on what you want to
>do, and parameters for the console command depends which one you use, for more
>info there you will need to use the manual page: man <command>
> //Aho
Thank you for the extra information and clarification.
Newsguy Bandwidth Blowout Feb-21-2006
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