Posted by J.O. Aho on 09/28/94 11:40
Marsel wrote:
> There is no firewall on the Apache server, and the router forwards port 80
> correctly.
> Apache is set to listen on port 80 with the line "listen 80" in httpd.conf.
> Everything runs ok from a modem connection or when accessed from
> anywhere outside my local network. Thus *you* should be able to see
> php setup at http://exxelan.com/phpinfo.php, but *I* am not...
> The browser attempts to open the correct ip-number, but after a while reports
> "Cannot find server or DNS Error".
Okey, this is a routing problem, I assume that your internal ip-number for the
server is (make adjustments), then you will need to add the
following to your hosts file on the client machine exxelan.com
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