Posted by m.epper on 02/24/06 22:09
1) Read here, my problem is a bit more complicated.
2) I've read the manual
Jerry Stuckle:
Thanks for the tips.
I know about global and I also know that in the example I've written, a
parameter (is better to say argument?) function would have been better.
My problem is a bit more complicated:
The main script is like this:
function myFunction($code){
$code is a var which contains php istructions (without <?php and ?>)
from another file.
This code is written to work indipendently and should be something like
this one:
function myFunction2(){
global $var;
$var.=" World";
echo $var;
In this case, if the code works alone, the output will be "Hello
The problem is that this code will be run from eval which is inside
another function.
In this case the php engine will parse something like this:
function myFunction($code){
function myFunction2(){
global $var;
$var.=" World";
echo $var;
Here the output will be only "Hello" because myFunction2 (which should
add " World" to $var) will try to change the value of $var, a global
variable that doesn't exists!.
I've some restrictions: I can't change $code and I can't put eval
outside functions or directly into the main script.
So my question is: "Is there any way to evaluate some php code from a
function, but into the global scope?"
Thank you
(I suppose to have made some errors now, is this true? :D )
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