Posted by Simon Hayes on 09/30/55 11:16
"woody" <shellymatthys@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>I was expecting results from a Contains clause to return better hits
> first. Am I off base?
> Example Table:
> Title
> -----
> red house
> green house
> red green house
> searching with Contains(' "red" or "green" or "house" '), I would
> expect the last row to show up first since it contains all three. Not
> the case.
> Is containstable the only way to get ranked results?
> All input is appreciated.
Books Online specifically says that if you require ranking, you should use
CONTAINSTABLE, so I would assume there's no (easy) way to do this with
CONTAINS. If this isn't helpful, you might try posting in
microsoft.public.sqlserver.fulltext - it would probably be useful to give
some extra details of what you're trying to do, why you don't want to use
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