Posted by Dave on 09/30/67 11:16
Marcus (JumpMan222@aol.com) decided we needed to hear...
> Hello,
> I recently converted all my existing MyISAM tables to InnoDB tables
> through phpmyadmin. I noticed some strange behavior whenever I would
> refresh the screen, as phpmyadmin would report different numbers for the
> cardinality of the primary key (i.e. one minute it would say cardinality
> 388, then 244 on refresh, then something else), and it would report
> different values for the number of rows when mousing over the table
> names on the left menubar. This behavior only seems to exist on tables
> with a "larger" number of rows, and by larger I only mean ~100 or more
> rows (tables with fewer rows always report the correct number of rows).
> Whenever I do a SELECT *, I get the correct number of rows returned, so
> I know they are actually there.
> Has anyone ever experienced this or does anyone know what is up? Thanks.
This happens because row count is only an estimate for InnoDB tables
due to the storage format. For MyISAM on the other hand, MySQL
maintains an exact row count.
Dave <dave@REMOVEbundook.com>
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