Posted by --CELKO-- on 03/03/06 03:05
>> the jump where sql can be categorized as "primitive recursive functions" lost me.<<
Just about any functional or declarative language like APL, LISP, FP,
et al can be derived from primitive recursive functions. Of course,
the whole of integer math and number theory can be derived from Peano's
Postules. Nobody in their right mind would do it, of course.
>> Is there a practical limit on how levels of recursion SQL supports? <<
No; language standards never have limits. Implementations have limits.
Does the SQL spec guarantee that recursion has to be available for say
1000 layers?
>> As I understand your logic, you are stating you can use declarative SQL recursively to fulfill the looping role.<<
No, for a lot of "looping things", I use a Sequence auxiliary table and
an inner join. I use a nested set table. And I sometimes I convert
generator functions into a closed form, on those rare occasions when
the full power of an MS in math are required.
Am I understanding your premise correctly?
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