Posted by julian_m on 03/08/06 20:49
Jim Moe wrote:
> julian_m wrote:
> > It was not a code fragment, it was the *complete* code. Anyway, you can
> > see what i'm talking about here:
> >
> No, it was not. The </head> without <head> was just the first error.
ahhh, yes, ok.
> Correct your code:
> - Add a DTD (doctype, preferably HTML 4.01 Strict) and charset spec.
> - Change widht -> width in the CSS.
What a silly mistake !!!
> - Add a width:xx% to each column. The default width for a block element is
> 100%.
> - Add float:left to each column. The columns will not float unless you
> tell them to do so.
But, if I have two divs inside another, and float one of them to left,
should the 2nd one float to left as well?
I mean
<div>50% width float to left</div>
<div>This one should "automatically" stay on the right, or not?</div>
Well, actually, thanks your advice, the page renders better than
before, but now I dont know ...
why the childs divs (#izq and #der) don't fit inside the parent div
(#ppal) ?
thanks in advance - jm
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