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Re: diff between 2 DATETIMEs, SUMmed & GROUPed BY project

Posted by Jim Michaels on 11/18/59 11:42

"Jim Michaels" <> wrote in message
> SELECT id,name, prj,SUM(TIMEDIFF(end_time,start_time)) AS elapsed
> FROM work
> group by name,prj;
> The problem is, I need elapsed in a datetime format, and SUM truncates to
> integer hours.
> Is there no way to do this?
> I just want the group sums as hours, minutes, dats, months, years.

CREATE VIEW workhourstot AS
SELECT id,name, prj,sum(hour(timediff(end_time,start_time))) AS hour,
sum(minute(timediff(end_time,start_time))) AS minute
FROM work
GROUP BY name,prj;

This worked for me I guess, but one of the minutes ended up as 70. I think
it's because of the grouped sum. ugh. I need a solution.

datediff is out of the question.



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