Posted by Jim Higson on 03/29/06 17:30
lengthsman@btinternet.com wrote:
> For a while I thought it was only me that notice the "layout freeze" so
> that's about what? 9 months min for vista then what another 12 before
> IE7.5 meanwhile in 24 months an expected 25% web access will be from
> embedded devices who are currently trying to achieve XHTML strict CSS 2
> browsers. If Opera/Mozilla continues with the momentum they will
> probably be there as well and will have taken a lot more of the market.
> Meanwhile back at MS HQ will have their fingers crossed hoping that an
> external developer has found a hack to fix their bugs!
The 25% you quote - that's very interesting - where is that from? What would
a phone maker do:
(a) pay MS for using their not very good renderer
(b) get a good one (Gecko, KTHML) for free, pay some for support
(c) pay Opera for the best renderer out there
(d) make and support your own (very expensive)
I can't see too many choosing (a). Personally I'd choose between Opera and
KHTML - Gecko is probably a little too heavy for small CPUs. IIRC, KHTML is
favoured by Nokia for their phones.
> Quote from alistapart.com
> "Catching different browser bugs to maintain my design instead of
> simply display the line 'you are using substandard and defected
> software; if it can't display this page properly do you really want
> to try a secure credit card transaction'."
> I WISH !!!
Me too. In the real world though users are more likely to think "if this
site can't display the page properly, do I really want to try a secure
credit card transaction?".
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