Posted by City Dweller on 11/15/01 11:44
Actually IE and Opera agree remarkably well, so they must use the same rule
-- Abe
"Neredbojias" <http://www.neredbojias.com/fliam.php?cat=alt.html> wrote in
message news:Xns979D72E13CFB1httpwwwneredbojiasco@
> To further the education of mankind, "City Dweller" <city@dweller.com>
> declaimed:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone here know how browsers calculate the leading (vertical
>> distance between base lines) in a paragrap?
>> For example, consider this HTML code:
> LINE1 and LINE2 aren't in a (-the same) paragraph...
>> How is the vertical difference between the baselines of LINE1 and
>> LINE2 calculated? I am writing an HTML rendering application and can't
>> figure it out. Apparently it depends on the font size and metrics, but
>> how exactly?
> Normal vertical line distance can be adjusted by the css line-height
> property. I've noticed that the default is not the same in all browsers
> (but when I've set it, it _appeared_ to match.)
> --
> Neredbojias
> Infinity can have limits.
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