Posted by dorayme on 01/31/18 11:44
In article <Xns979CE35CEC02Dhttpwwwneredbojiasco@>,
Neredbojias <http://www.neredbojias.com/fliam.php?cat=alt.html>
> To further the education of mankind, dorayme:
> > I feel uncomfortable you using him. At least with me, I _am_
> > Roger Rabbit.
> This sounds like the psychological anomoly known as transference.
Don't be too inclined to play psychiatrist. These folk are mostly
hand waving.
> I shall proffer my Saturnian visage to sate your
> annoying Martian disgruntlement.
If I was not able to get a bit disgruntled here, how would I be
able to be such a friendly lovely sweet being elsewhere? Parse
that in your psychiatric factory!
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