Posted by frederick on 11/22/85 11:45
Blinky the Shark wrote:
> Word HTML and posting from Google Groups. It's a perfect fit.
Is it really necessary for you to be so snooty?
The OP freely admits to being a beginner. Is he supposed to know by
some sort of magic that the use of Microsoft Word for creating what
claims to be HTML, or of Google Groups for accessing Usenet, are
(rightfully) criticised for a number of reasons? I suppose that you're
going to tell me that there are numerous threads and web pages that can
be found by searching that state your point of view. But if someone
doesn't know that there's a problem, why would they look for
information about it?!
I'm quite sure that there are plenty of things that you might do in
your life that you are not an expert at, and would be done in a manner
that a professional would see as deficient. Maybe a racing car driver
might criticise how you drive your own car, for example. Perhaps a
professional chef might have a better way of preparing your favourite
meal. Does any of this make you somehow less of a person? The answer,
of course, is "no", and that applies equally to someone who doesn't
know any better when they take their first stumbling steps in your
Of course, I'm well aware that the person to whom I'm responding won't
see this post due to his filtering policies. Perhaps I should find a
newsreader that can somehow filter out pointlessly snide remarks from
people, and then we'll both be happy.
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