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Re: four day trip

Posted by dave hillstrom on 09/25/38 11:45

On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 15:21:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
<> wrote:

>On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 17:05:36 -0500, Tim Weaver <>
>>dave hillstrom wrote:
>>> On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 16:29:47 -0500, Tim Weaver <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>dave hillstrom wrote:
>>>>> i will be most likely leaving tomorrow on a driving trip. it will
>>>>> include a stop at the StOrAgE UnIt Of SaTaN. as well as seeing the
>>>>> relatives. i dont, however, have the moola to drive and see teh
>>>>> shirley or teh hatchetmamma on this trip. poop. but i thought i
>>>>> should warn you all now so you have about 5 hours to tell me what
>>>>> posts i MUST respond to before i leave. i will also entertain sad
>>>>> pleas begging me not to go and leave you. then i will laugh.
>>>>> i will be back late sunday if all goes according to plans.
>>>>> may the storage unit gods not demand too much blood from me on this
>>>>> trip.
>>>>What is StOrAgE UnIt Of SaTaN and why must you visit?
>>> i pay for it, but satan and his noncorporeal buddies lives there. it
>>> holds about 2/3rds of a houses full of stuff. it likes the taste of
>>> my blood. and i want some things out of it is why i must go there.
>>> it is, in fact, the current true incarnation of The Shed.
>>How about putting some cameras in there and doing a documentary? I would be
>>interested in that. It might turn out like a Blair Witch thing.
>D00d, he's talking about his moms dried up old cunt, quit being

hey matt! how would YOU know what her cunt is like? have you been
humping the urn with her ashes in it, again? maybe you could tell us
all just how lubricious those 27 year old cinders are. every amateur
tribologist within monitor range is ~waiting~ for your answer,

now, will matthew snip all my words, or will he attempt to answer the
questions put to him? im pretty sure we ALL know which path is the
more likely one.

dave hillstrom mhm15x4 and shit
designated crazy-whacko-off-kilter-gurl magnet
official pussy petter
"where no trout has gone before!"
"nice guys finish last! just look at me!"



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