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Re: four day trip

Posted by dave hillstrom on 09/27/89 11:45

On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 23:55:04 +0100, meowmix
<> wrote:

>On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 15:21:42 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
><> wrote:
>>On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 17:05:36 -0500, Tim Weaver <>
>>>dave hillstrom wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 16:29:47 -0500, Tim Weaver <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>dave hillstrom wrote:
>>>>>> i will be most likely leaving tomorrow on a driving trip. it will
>>>>>> include a stop at the StOrAgE UnIt Of SaTaN. as well as seeing the
>>>>>> relatives. i dont, however, have the moola to drive and see teh
>>>>>> shirley or teh hatchetmamma on this trip. poop. but i thought i
>>>>>> should warn you all now so you have about 5 hours to tell me what
>>>>>> posts i MUST respond to before i leave. i will also entertain sad
>>>>>> pleas begging me not to go and leave you. then i will laugh.
>>>>>> i will be back late sunday if all goes according to plans.
>>>>>> may the storage unit gods not demand too much blood from me on this
>>>>>> trip.
>>>>>What is StOrAgE UnIt Of SaTaN and why must you visit?
>>>> i pay for it, but satan and his noncorporeal buddies lives there. it
>>>> holds about 2/3rds of a houses full of stuff. it likes the taste of
>>>> my blood. and i want some things out of it is why i must go there.
>>>> it is, in fact, the current true incarnation of The Shed.
>>>How about putting some cameras in there and doing a documentary? I would be
>>>interested in that. It might turn out like a Blair Witch thing.
>>D00d, he's talking about his moms dried up old cunt, quit being
>of course it is dried up you cretin, don't you know she was cremated
>and now resides in an urn?

i dont think that matters to matthew. all he sees is "Hillstrom"
engraved on it, and the rest is all spinal, ok, he doesnt
have one of those. but its ~something~ like that.

dave hillstrom mhm15x4 and shit
designated crazy-whacko-off-kilter-gurl magnet
official pussy petter
"where no trout has gone before!"
"nice guys finish last! just look at me!"



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